Bienvenue Relocation Network in November 2023

Welcome to our monthly recap!
Each month we address different topics that bring into light our members all over the world.
These are the ones covered in November :
- Member Spotlight
- Cultural Corner: Expat Dos and Don’ts, Fun Facts, and False Friends
Member Spotlight
Stéphane Compain co-founded LuxRelo | Immigration & Relocation Services with his spouse, Sandrine Lapointe-Compain after years of dedicated service in the global mobility sector. Their relocation services include immigration and work permit, orientation tour, temporary accommodation, home search, settling-in, school search, departure services, move management, and spousal assistance. He is also the co-founder of Bienvenue! Check out this post about Stéphane.
Cultural Corner
Every country operates with its unique customs. Being aware of what to do and not to do in a foreign country can save you from ending up in awkward situations.
Germany is recognized as the world’s leading nation for recycling, so learning how to properly recycle your bins is a must-do. Another example is crossing the street when the traffic light is red. Germany is often described as a rule-obsessed country, so when in Germany, make sure not to cross the road when the light is red, or you will feel people’s eyes burning a hole in your body for committing such a mistake. Check out this post for more Dos and Don’ts in Germany.
The best way to help someone familiarize themselves with a certain country is through fun facts. In one of our recent posts, we explore Vietnam where it’s common to see three generations living under the same roof. Furthermore, in Vietnam, women are expected to move in with their in-laws to learn what it takes to be a good wife.
Certain words are shared across different countries, yet their meanings may vary. An example of that is the term “subir” in Portuguese means “monter” in French, as in “to go up” or “to climb” in English. However, “subir” in French means “to undergo something (usually unpleasant).” For a French expatriate, it can be confusing, and that’s why we need to share such false friends with you.